AgeingAnniversariesCareCare HomesCare ResidentsNews

Penarth Home Hosts 71st Wedding Anniversary For Resident With Party!

A Penarth home organised a 71st wedding anniversary for one of their residents.

MHA Morel Court arranged for resident Bill Knowles and his wife Maureen, who lives in The Waverley Care Centre to have an anniversary party at the home.

Bill met Maureen at a dance party and married in 1952 and have three sons and a daughter.

The kitchen staff prepared an assortment of party food including a cake with lots of sherry and bubbly also present.

After the party Bill (94) said:”
All the organising was impeccable, the spread and cake were up to my standards.

“My guests were all very happy with the day.

“Maureen and myself enjoyed seeing our family together and of course my friends at Morel Court .
“I want to thank everyone from both me and Maureen for letting us hold our 71st Anniversary here .
June Mansell, community coordinator said: “Bill made the arrangements for the party himself and we were happy to support him.

“He invited all the guests himself and it was a lovely day.

“Having Maureen live close by worked really well and we were able to give them both a memorable party

“We were all very happy to be part of their special day and it was a pleasure to see them both.”