
One In Five Of Us Fear Developing Dementia Over Cancer, Finds A Channel 5 News And YouGov Poll

A Channel 5 News and YouGov poll has found that one in five of us fear developing dementia more than cancer, and two thirds of us are concerned about being diagnosed with dementia in the future.

All week Channel 5 News is exploring what it is like to live with dementia, from prevention and diagnosis to the cost of care and end of life care.

George McNamara Head of Policy and Public Affairs Alzheimer’s Society commented:

‘With dementia treatments a generation behind those for cancer, it is not surprising that people are more fearful of dementia. With dementia now in the spotlight, we urgently need to turns words into action and see tangible improvements in the care and support provided to people with dementia and their carers. There are 800,000 people living with dementia in the UK and, shamefully, many do not have a formal diagnosis and are unable to access vital health and care support.

‘The Channel Five report on dementia reinforces the need for immediate action, not only in our health and social care system but across society as a whole. All of us have a role and responsibility towards creating a more dementia friendly society.’