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Nurse Lewis joins the Santa run for Hunters Creek Care Home in Boston

Nurse Lewis Chirimuuta who works at Hunters Creek Care Home in Boston put on his fabulous red Santa robes, warmed up with the V-Fitness Team and took part in the Boston Santa Fun Run 2022 on Sunday, 11 December to help raise funds for the Boston community and surrounding villages.

The cold, damp, foggy weather didn’t deter Lewis who put his best foot forward and set off from Central Park for the 5K trek with a few hundred other Santa’s. Lewis passed several Boston landmarks including the Stump (twice), ending his Santa run at the Christmas Market in Market Place.

Lewis finished in good time and enjoyed a complementary mince pie and the comradery at the end of the run. Ever the dedicated nurse, it wasn’t long before Lewis was back in his uniform for a nursing shift at Hunters Creek where residents were eager to hear about the run and his Santa escapades.

Home Manager Rachel French said,
“Not only is Lewis an amazing nurse, he also literally goes the extra mile for his community. We are all incredibly proud of him! Lewis is a kind and caring nurse but most importantly he is fun and always manages to make our residents laugh. When the run was over, Lewis was back on shift bringing his own particular magic to Hunters Creek. Well done Lewis.”