
New APP Now Available for the Leadership Qualities Framework (LQF)

Skills-AcademyThe National Skills Academy for Social Care has developed a new mobile ‘app’ for social care leaders to engage with the Leadership Qualities Framework (LQF) wherever they are.

The app, which is now available on iTunes and Android, was developed in consultation with Skills Academy members.  It provides links to an abridged version of the LQF, so that users can refer to each of the seven Dimensions, in any order they choose, as well as access to the full LQF.  The app will be available to download from iTunes and the Android Market from 7 May 2014.

Welcoming the launch of the app, Debbie Sorkin, Chief Executive of the National Skills Academy, said:

“Social care needs to move with the times, and we are conscious that more and more of the workforce are interested in learning more about mobile technology.
“This new app will allow social care leaders that need it quick access to the LQF as they prepare for meetings, inductions, supervisions and appraisals.”
“We look forward to receiving feedback on the app as it is rolled, out, which will inform development of the next phase.”

About the National Skills Academy for Social Care

  • The National Skills Academy for Social Care is for everyone committed to excellent adult social care in England.
  • We are a membership organisation, created by social care employers to transform the quality of leadership, management, training, development, and commissioning.
  • We aim to embed leadership at all levels in the sector, and so to transform the quality of care that is provided to service users.
  • At the Skills Academy we believe that the Leadership Qualities Framework is the catalyst required to create this new culture.
  • The Skills Academy’s remit is to promote and support excellent learning and training for the 1.6 million workers and 40,600 employers in social care with a particular emphasis on small and medium-sized employers. Demographic changes mean the social care workforce is expected to rise to 2.5 million by 2025.
  • The Skills Academy is led by a Board of employer representatives from across the statutory, private and not-for-profit sectors within adult social care.
  • For further information about the National Skills Academy for Social Care, visit

About the Leadership Qualities Framework

  • The Skills Academy was commissioned by the Department of Health to produce the first Leadership Qualities Framework (LQF). It has been developed to be suitable and relevant for all staff within the adult social care workforce.
  • It was published following the release of the adult social care white paper in summer 2012. The LQF has been developed to support the transformation of adult social care through improved leadership.
  • Leadership is about behaviour. The behaviours described within the LQF represent the core leadership skills required by people at all levels, with all people who use services and within all organisations across the sector.

The LQF App can be downloaded via the Skills Academy’s website, where more information can also be found about the app.