BC Mini Wimbledon

Mini Wimbledon at Bakewell Care Home

BC-Mini-WimbledonA CARE home temporarily became the All Bakewell Tennis Club as staff organised a mini Wimbledon tournament.

Burton Closes Hall Care Home, on Haddon Road, turned their garden into a court for matches between staff and residents.

Unit manager Jonathan Cook, who used to play for a Derbyshire tennis team, put senior carer Claire Tracey through her paces.

Spectating residents enjoyed watching the match while tucking into the Wimbledon tradition of strawberries and cream.

Tennis balls were switched to balloons so the residents could join in with their own matches.

Kim Bibby, Derbyshire Regional Manager for the Hill Care Group, which operates Burton Closes Hall Care Home, said: “We may not have been up to Wimbledon standard as players but everyone enjoyed getting involved.

“It was a great opportunity to make the most of the good weather, enjoy a bowl of strawberries and cream in the sunshine while having a bit of fun.”













