Care HomesNews

MHA Cedar Lodge Residents Enjoy a Visit from Oz Clarke & Armonico Choir on their Great Bike Adventure

Oz Clarke and Armonico choir visited local care home MHA Cedar Lodge as part of a charity bike ride for Dementia awareness.

Oz and the Armonica team set off on their bikes touring around the Warwickshire countryside calling in at care homes along the way to give free mini concerts.

The day of the visit to Cedar Lodge, the weather was good so most of the residents came out to the garden to listen, sing, dance and join in with percussion instruments to a range of music including Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

It was a fantastic concert, enjoyed by all the residents and Oz and the Armonica cyclists stayed afterwards for a well deserved cup of tea and a chat.

“It is like heaven has come down to us here”, said one resident at MHA Cedar Lodge while another said “it has been fabulous and incredible”.







