
Local Man Hits £50,000 Fundraising Mark For Care Home

L-R Tony Henry, senior team leader at Sparrowfields, Jacqueline Rush, Ho...A Droitwich man has helped raise more than £50,000 for a group of disabled residents at a Birmingham care home over the last ten years, giving them the chance to live life to the full.

Thanks to the tireless fundraising efforts of Paul Massey in aid of Sparrowfields Care Home in Weoley Castle, residents have enjoyed activities ranging from group outings to local pantomimes and theme parks, to individual holidays and recreational equipment for the care home.

Mr Massey, group CEO of AKW, the UK market leader in bathroom and kitchen adaptations servicing the disability sector, commented: “Ten years ago, on my 50th birthday, I decided to improve the lives of residents at Sparrowfields. My son, Christian, suffers from autism and epilepsy and, while the care at Sparrowfields is of the highest standard, the quality of life is not necessarily quite like life for those not in a care home.

“Over the last 10 years, I’ve had a great deal of fun organising the events to raise money for the home, along with other local businessmen, Steve Jones and Ian Cole, and have been frequently overwhelmed by people’s generosity when they attend events. But, by far the best thing is seeing what a difference the money makes to the residents’ lives – even if it’s buying something as simple as a television, something we all take for granted.”

Jacqueline Rush, home manager of Shaw healthcare’s Sparrowfields Care, said: “Paul’s fundraising efforts have had a huge impact on the lives of our residents, giving them opportunities to experience a whole range of activities that life has to offer.

“Our residents have been able to go anywhere and everywhere they want to thanks to Paul’s hard work and people’s generosity. He has always worked hard to ensure that the residents feel involved in fundraising activities, inviting them to participate or attend, where possible and that also makes a real difference.”

Some of the activities that residents have participated are bowling and cinema trips, bonfire night celebrations, days out to Thorpe Park, the London Eye, as well as further holidays to Cornwall, Greece and Sweden.

Sparrowfields Care Home is part of the Shaw healthcare group and opened in 2002 in Weoley Castle, Birmingham, providing residential care for those with learning disabilities and complex needs.

Shaw healthcare is one of the UK’s leading health and social care provider, with more than 80 care facilities across the country. It employs more than 4,600 people to provide care to individuals in nursing and residential homes, hospitals, supported living arrangements, extra care schemes and domiciliary care settings.

It provides services ranging from intensive care through to low level support in the community for older people and adults with physical, sensory or mental health support needs.