CareCare HomesCare StaffCharitiesFundraisingNews

Local Care Home Worker’s Marathon Effort For Charity

On September 10th, a brave member of staff from Barchester Healthcare’s Lanercost care home in Carlisle will be taking on the gruelling Great North Run to raise money for Barchester’s Charitable Foundation. The Foundation supports older people and other adults living with a disability or mental health problems by helping them to connect or re-connect with others in their local communities

Dementia Specialist Nurse, Thomas Hodges, will don his lycra, put on his trainers and use grit and determination to complete the 13.1 mile half marathon course that starts in Newcastle upon Tyne and takes thousands of runners over the iconic Tyne Bridge in order to raise funds for Barchester’s Charitable Foundation.

Tom has worked for Barchester for over four years and loves his job supporting residents living with dementia across Barchester’s Northern division. A keen runner, Tom has been training hard in the Lakes where he lives and hopes his hilly training runs will give him an advantage over the relatively flat Great North Run course. If you would like to support him, please visit Barchester’s Charitable Foundation: Tom’s Charity Page (, all donations will be very gratefully received.

Tom comments: “This is my first ever race and I’m really excited to take part. I got into running about three years and I absolutely love it, despite having had a fair few injuries. I’m hoping to raise lots of money for the Foundation. I know all the staff, residents and relatives at Lanercost and my friends and family are all behind me and their support plus the money I’m raising will help me go the distance!”







