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Local Care Home Gives Back To Their Local Emergency Services

Staff at Upton Bay Care Home in Hamworthy have opened up their doors to welcome the emergency services personnel in their local area.  As a way of saying thank you to the paramedics, nurses, police officers and other emergency services workers who don’t always have time to go home or back to their workplace on their break, the team and the residents of Upton Bay Care Home will provide free continental breakfast every Monday in September and October to all emergency service staff.

Today we were delighted when our local fire crew from Poole station (Dorset and Wiltshire division) visited and enjoyed bacon baps, croissants and freshly brewed coffee.  Some of our residents chatted to the watch which was made up of Jo, Steve, Matt and Lewis.  They also enjoyed a tour of the fire engine.

Mevin Sohorye, the General Manager of Upton Bay Care Home has extended the invitation throughout the local area, stating that “to say thank you for all of the great work our emergency services do for us, we here at Upton Bay are inviting all members of the police, ambulance and fire services to pop in and take their duty break on us for free”.