AnniversariesCareCare HomesCare StaffNews

Lilian Faithfull Care Celebrates Carer Wendy Heeks’ 45 Years Of Service!

A surprise party was awaiting Wendy Heeks this morning to celebrate her 45 years of working as a carer at St Faith’s nursing home in Cheltenham.

Wendy is the charity’s longest serving member of staff! Could Wendy be the longest working Carer in Gloucestershire county?

Staff gathered to mark this amazing anniversary, shared memories of working together and celebrated her special contribution to the charity.

Suzanne Booker, Director of Care said, “I think it is an incredible achievement for Wendy to have worked her whole career here. To think of the massive impact she has had on so many people’s lives, to give that loyalty and to see all the experience she has, as well as all the new starters she has mentored – she is a great example to care and to our charity.”

Wendy started at St Faith’s in 1978 when she was 17 and has been working there as a carer ever since. “I’ve got married and had children and worked nights for many years to fit round the family but now I’m happy to be back on days – they are flexible here.” Wendy was inspired to go into care by her mum, “Mum worked 45 years in home care – it used to be called the home help in those days and in the six weeks holidays she used to take me along with her.”

What has kept Wendy at Lilian Faithfull Care? “It’s because it’s a charity rather than being done for profit and money making gain. We are always given everything we need, all the proper equipment and I’ve always enjoyed the people that I work with and the residents. Now I’m older I’m enjoying working days and getting involved with the families and hearing their stories. There has always been the opportunities here too. You’ve got to go with the flow.”

Would Wendy recommend working in care? “Honestly, yes I would recommend it. It’s a caring and rewarding job. If I can, I’m going to do another five years!”

Lilian Faithfull Care are incredibly proud that Wendy is their longest ever serving member of staff, and as Wendy says, “Everyone knows who I am now!”