
‘Life-Line’ Lauren Wins Award For Dementia Care

Lauren-Hyder-Wins-AwardCare home Activities Coordinator, Lauren Hyder, has won the Margaret Butterworth Award 2014 for excellence in dementia care, it was announced at last week’s award ceremony at Hallam Conference Centre in London.

Lauren, who is described as a ‘life-line’ by the residents she works with at Magnolia Court Care Home, was nominated for the award by the home’s General Manager as well assome of the individuals she cares for. They praised her excellent work organising activities that provide stimulation, motivation and relaxation for all of the residents at the home, including people living with dementia.

The Margaret Butterworth Award recognises the achievements of care workers who give their all to help improve the lives of people living with dementia. Nominations were received from across the UK and were judged by a panel of health and social care professionals and family carers.

Leigh Reid, General Manager at Magnolia Court said: “I’m so pleased for Lauren. She absolutely deserves this award because the work she does is outstanding. There would be a huge void at Magnolia Court without Lauren.

“Lauren is committed to promoting communityprojects, working with local schools to bring older and younger generations together. Recently, she has supported 14to 16 year olds who are interested in care, so as well as being a star at Magnolia Court, she acts as a role model for future carers too.”

Lauren said: “I feel really proud to have won a Margaret Butterworth award for my work at Magnolia Court. I was over-the-moon when I found out and everyone at the home is so happy for me too!”













