
LibDem MP Visits Integrated Urgent Care Hub In St Albans City Hospital

Healthcare provider HUC was delighted to welcome LibDem MP Daisy Cooper to its integrated urgent care hub within St Albans City Hospital last week (Friday, July 7).

In the week the NHS celebrated its 75th anniversary, the LibDems Spokesperson for Health, Wellbeing, and Social Care visited the hospital to say a big ‘thank you’ to staff there.

During the course of her visit, Ms Cooper stopped off at the integrated urgent care hub [IUCH] to talk to HUC’s Chief Medical Officer Dr Sivanthi Sivakumar and colleagues from the organisation, which is also responsible for the 111 service in the area.

“It was really fantastic to meet members of staff and leadership team at the hospital for the NHS’s 75th birthday. And it was great to see the recently opened IUCH up and running and providing same-day appointments,” said Ms Cooper.

“We were thrilled to welcome Daisy to the IUCH and give her an insight into what it does to ease the pressure on other parts of the hospital, and the wider healthcare system,” said Dr Sivakumar.

“Like their colleagues across the NHS, the HUC team routinely go above and beyond for the benefit of their patients, and it was great to see their efforts recognised.”

The IUCH, which opened in November 2022, treats a range of urgent but non-life-threatening conditions. Offering appointments between 9am and 6pm, seven days a week, patients are booked into the service through either NHS 111 or their GP practice.













