Innovative Group Is Music To Care Home Residents’ Ears
An Ayrshire care home is offering a unique form of therapy which is hitting all the right notes with its residents.
Every fortnight, a group of residents from Bupa’s Claremont care home, in Whitletts, Ayr, attend a remedial music group at St. Quivox Parish Church, which offers the opportunity to have a sing-along and meet and mingle with other care home residents in the area.
The music group, which runs every second Tuesday from 2-4pm, aims to encourage elderly residents from the local community to sing a selection of seasonally-themed songs, such as Scottish classics for Burn’s night and traditional Irish tunes for St Patrick’s Day.
All in attendance are also urged to participate rhythmically as they sing, and play a variety of musical instruments, including tambourines, coconut shells and maracas.
Kevin Pexton, Activity Coordinator at Bupa’s Claremont care home, said: “The music group has just started up again for the New Year and I’m keen to have as many of our residents attend as possible as there are so many benefits to be had.
“At Bupa, we strive to create and join in with innovative and inspiring activities to provide the best quality of life for our residents and the vocal and instrumental side of the music group is particularly advantageous as it can be especially therapeutic.
“However, even if certain residents don’t want to join in with the sing-along, they can still enjoy themselves by having a bit of a dance and generally meeting and socialising with those from other care homes in the community.”