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Hickathrift House Care Home Makes Resident’s Dream Come True

Avice, a resident at Barchester’s Hickathrift House Care Home, has been knitting teddy bears for children at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for over a decade. Avice had always wanted to take a trip to Queen Elizabeth Hospital to drop these teddies off herself, so the staff at the home made her wish a reality.

Avice originally started knitting teddy bears after answering the call during the 2004 tsunami and since then donated to numerous charities and causes, one being the Queen Elizabeth Hospital’s Rudham Ward. Over the years, she’s estimated to have donated thousands of teddies to the hospital and her daughter would drop these off for her.

When discussing with Avice her ‘Wish’ for this year, she asked about being able to go and take the teddy bears herself as she’d never done it before. The staff at Hickathrift House contacted the hospital, who invited Avice and the home’s other knitters to visit the ward and hand out teddies and their knitted gifts to children and staff.

Other Hickathrift House Care home residents and Carer Julie came together to knit blankets, scarfs, clothes and premature baby hats alongside Avice’s teddies. They were met by Nicola Wright, Health Play Specialist, Claire Burrell, Play Assistant, and children currently on the ward, who were over the moon with their donations. The group from King’s Lynn Hospital’s Rudham Ward spent time chatting with the residents and looking over the stunning colours.

Avice, from Hickathrift House, said, “After all these years, after potentially thousands of thousands of teddies, I’ve been able to see their little faces when they get one of them. It’s been so nice, thank you all. It made me feel special that all of them came to say thank you. I can’t wait for them to receive my next batch”.

Kat Colangelo, Head of Activities said, “This has been such a privilege to organise for Avice. She is always working so hard on these teddies and to help her drop them off in person has been an absolute pleasure”.

General Manager Paula Colman said: “Avice started this project and it has been an inspiring way to connect with the next generation and make a difference. At Hickathrift House, it’s important for residents to continue their hobbies and passions and we hope this inspires other residents to grab those knitting needles.”.







