Health and Care Sector Must Be Able To Recruit Right Staff From Home And Abroad
Responding to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Long-term Sustainability of the NHS’s report, Danny Mortimer, chief executive of NHS Employers, said:
“We agree that the need to secure and retain a strong, skilled workforce in the health and care system over the next 10-15 years is of paramount importance, and must not be overlooked.
“It is imperative the health and social care sector is able to attract and recruit the right staff in order to protect its future, whether that be from the UK or abroad.
“We also agree that there is a need to give assurances to EU nationals, who make up 6% of the health and care workforce, that they will be able to remain, as well as encouraging them to do so. Management of migration policy must take proper account of the needs of the health and social care sector, and must be flexible enough to respond to skills shortages.
“Managing pay costs remains a key part of meeting the financial and service challenges with which the health service as a whole is faced. Employers understand that a continuation of pay restraint over the longer term is of growing concern to our workforce.”