AgeingCareCare HomesCare ResidentsNews

George’s Speedway Wish Is Granted

George Reade, an 88-year-old resident at the Albany care home in Headington, Oxford, had a special wish come true thanks to the care team.

George’s wish to go to the Oxford Speedway for a night of fun was picked from the wish tree at the home and he couldn’t be happier. The wish tree was introduced at the home to allow residents to talk about things they want to do and express their wishes for the future.

He used to visit the speedway with his twin brother, Charlie, back when they were young lads. They both loved it, and George has been a fan since 1949 as well as an avid supporter of Oxford United.

So, one exciting evening, George, along with senior carer Virgil Maciu, and activities coordinator Liz Perry, headed off to the Oxford Speedway. It was a night of thrilling motorbike racing, and the Oxford Cheetah’s triumphed over the Redcar Bears in the last race of the season. George was overjoyed with the result.

George is still talking about that amazing night out and the care home is working hard to grant more wishes in the lead-up to Christmas, making residents’ dreams come true.

Another resident, Mavis Fry, had a wish to spend a day in Blackpool, the place where she got married. Although a trip to Blackpool from Oxford wasn’t possible, the care home made it special by creating a Blackpool-themed day with lights, traditional seaside rock, and ice cream.














