Fundraising Campaign Hits Target for Care Home Defibrillator
When Stocks Hall Mawdesley Care Home in Lancashire had the idea of opening a Christmas Craft Stall in the Reception area, to raise funds towards a life saving defibrillator, little did they know how popular it would be and that they would raise over £1000!
The pop up shop, created by Hazel Coulton, Receptionist, and Linda Elliot, PA/Administrator, has featured a variety of hand-made items, including Christmas decorations, jewellery, scarves, hats, knitted toys, cards and much more and has smashed the target they originally set to reach.
Linda says, “We’d just like to say thank you to everyone who has supported us in this venture, either by donating items or buying from us. It’s been wonderful seeing everyone’s hidden crafting skills and we’re amazed at the total we’ve managed to raise. Having a defibrillator installed at the home has the potential to save the lives of residents, visitors, staff and people living in the Independent Living Apartments onsite.”
The computerised medical device is used when someone experiences sudden cardiac arrest and delivers electrical current through the chest, which aims to shock the heart back into a normal rhythm.
Hazel expressed her gratitude and added “We just felt it was important that we could do something to help in the event of a cardiac arrest. It’s been a thoroughly enjoyable experience and a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us.”