
Free Continence Care Factsheet For Care Homes

CarinCareContinence care specialist, Cairn Care, has launched a fact sheet on effective continence care management for care homes.

An involuntary loss of urine or faeces, incontinence can come in different forms which can each present their own challenges.

By busting some of the myths around incontinence and explaining an effective approach for tackling it, the fact sheet aims to help care home staff to get a much more accurate understanding of how to support residents with this issue.

Also included in the fact sheet are 10 tips to help care home staff choose the correct incontinence pads for each resident, helping to minimise leakage and discomfort, while also reducing waste due to inappropriate pad usage.

Dr. Peter Binns, Managing Director of Cairn Care says: “According to NHS Choices, between 3 and 6 million people in the UK are estimated to be regularly incontinent, however there is still quite a lot of confusion around the causes of incontinence and how best to manage each resident’s requirements.

“This fact sheet aims to clear up the facts around incontinence, so that you can make informed decisions about continence care for your residents.”

To request your free fact sheet ‘Effective continence care for care homes’ email