Flurries Of Snowflakes Cover Care Home
A flurry of beautiful snowflakes landed on Elgar Court residential home in Malvern this week! In November, the residents launched a Snowflake competition with The Friends of Malvern Community Hospital, asking local school children to create their own unique Snowflake designs to decorate around Elgar Court residential care home. The Residents have already had a lot of fun getting out the tinsel and unravelling the fairy lights, ready for a whole host of celebrations for their first Christmas at Elgar Court, and these Snowflakes are just the spectacular icing on top!
Elgar Court joined forces with the Friends of Malvern Community Hospital, to highlight and promote the excellent work the hospital does for our community, including the frequently used Minor Injuries Unit service by local families. Andy Sayers, Chairman of the Friends of Malvern Community Hospital said, ‘Malvern Community Hospital is at the heart of the local people, and we encourage everyone to use the services they can provide when possible”.
Alice a resident at Elgar Court said: “It takes me back to my childhood when the whole family used to decorate the tree together with all kinds of different home-made baubles and paper chains, it was always such a special time. I just love to see all the Snowflakes up, and if I had my way we’d never take them down!”
General Manager, Sarah Cadwallader said: “Christmas is such a magical time and our residents have loved putting up Christmas decorations around their new home with staff. It is so special to be able to share these rituals and we all love to see the home decorated and filled with twinkly lights. It has been made all the more magical having local children help out and making these wonderful snowflakes!”