
Dorset Centenarian Celebrates 100th Birthday At Local Care Home

Staff and residents at Care South’s St Martins Grange care home in Gillingham enjoyed a very special day at the home on Saturday (17th August), when one resident celebrated her 100th birthday.

Sheila Humphries enjoyed a party with her family and friends to mark the milestone event in style. Staff at the home helped arrange the celebration in the home’s circle room, where Sheila enjoyed lots of treats prepared by the home’s chef and a visit from the local Mayor, Councillor Barry Von Clemens, who presented Sheila with a beautiful bunch of flowers.

Sheila was born on 17th August 1919 in Shaftesbury where she attended St James School and then High School. She left school at 16 to become an accountant and met her husband at a dance before getting married on 7 October 1939 at St Edwards Church, Shaftesbury. Together they had three children and nine great-grandchildren. Sheila says the key to a long life is having an active brain and that she’s always been good at sums to get her brain going.

Julia Ashmore from St Martins Grange, commented: “We were delighted to be able to celebrate Sheila’s special day with her at the home. It was lovely to meet so many members of her family and to hear more about her wonderful life. Sheila was also very pleased with her card from the Queen which has pride of place amongst her other cards. At Care South, we work hard to make sure our residents’ birthdays are really special events – especially milestone birthdays like these.”