Tovertafel a 300 dpi

Cutting-Edge Technology Introduced At Richmond Villages To Help Bring Some Fun To Those Living With Dementia

Tovertafel-a—300-dpiIn a move designed to bring the very latest assistance it can offer those living with dementia, Richmond Villages has introduced a Tovertafel – or ‘magic table’ as it is known in Dutch to four of its villages; Richmond Aston-on-Trent, Richmond Letcombe Regis, Richmond Northampton and Richmond Witney.

The new Tovertafel is an award-winning innovation from the Netherlands which uses new technology to create a series of games for people living with mid-to-late stage dementia.  Projecting images onto a table below, it is designed to encourage instinctive and interactive participation between ‘players’.  The fun-to-play system invites engagement and creates a stimulating level of physical and social activity rarely seen in people living with dementia in such a late stage.

“This uses new technology to recreate some favourite old games which are fun to play and instantly get players laughing and enjoying themselves,” says Laura Taylor, operations manager at Richmond Villages.  “The new Tovertafel has already had the remarkable result of helping to bring residents together with carers and family members.

“We try to stay ahead by embracing technology to enhance our residents’ lifestyle.  We recently added iPad reminiscence apps, and were highly commended for an iPad art competition we ran last year.”













