
CQC Sets Out Priorities and Plans for the Next Two Years

carequalityCQC have published their CQC business plan for 2014/15 to 2015/16 which sets out how they will make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate and high-quality care, and encourage them to improve.

In 2013/14, CQC began to make significant changes to how they monitor, inspect and regulate health and adult social care services across England.

CQC have started this already by:

  • introducing tougher registration checks
  • Appointing Chief Inspectors of Adult Social Care, General Practice and Hospitals who are developing specialist and expert-led inspections based on what matters most to those who use services
  • making better use of evidence (including views from the public, those who work in care services and our partners) to drive our regulatory activities.

The CQC business plan outlines priorities and what they will achieve by March 2016:

  • put people’s views at the heart of everything we do, improve how we listen to people who use services, the public, and staff providing care
  • introduce the new approach to how we monitor, inspect, regulate and take action, and work with other regulators and partner organisations
  • support our staff to deliver our inspection, monitoring and regulation, by building a new open, transparent culture and managing our resources effectively and efficiently.







