carer teddy

Colten Care Residents Enjoy Teddy Bears’ Picnic at Castle View

TEDDY bears of all shapes and sizes came out to play for a picnic at a Dorchester care home.

Activity organiser Sue Goodwin brought along her collection of 40 bears for the party at Colten Care’s Castle View home.

They joined residents and children aged three and four years from Sunny Days Nursery for an indoor picnic which also included songs and rhymes.

Sue said: “We created a woodland scene in the lounge and everyone had a very happy time.

“The children enjoyed platters of fresh fruit and vegetables and sang a selection of animal and farmyard tunes.

“It was a lovely picnic which was hugely enjoyed by our residents and the children who were beautifully behaved throughout.”

Colten Care’s Castle View enjoys close links with Sunny Days Nursery which, like the home, is based in Poundbury.

Residents regularly visit the nursery and also welcome the children back to the home.

“Many of our residents are grandparents themselves and they always love to see the youngsters,” said Sue