
Care In The Square

NqmindsSouthampton City Council together with the University of Southampton and NquiringMinds along with other organisations will be coming together to put on the ‘Care in the Square’ event at Guildhall Square on Wednesday 5 September to raise awareness of the resources available.

The free event hosted by CareTeam, a partnership project with NquiringMinds, University of Southampton and Southampton City Council is bringing together teams and organisations from across Southampton that offer support, care and information to adults enabling them to remain independent.

At the event the new digital platform called CareTeam will be showcased, that is currently in the testing phase. The phone based App coordinates with family members, friends, neighbours and the local community to be active participants in supporting people who require care to be independent. A hands-on trial of the App and the accompanying household sensors will be available to try out on the day.

For those caring for someone at home there will be information on how to access advice and support on how to juggle caring responsibilitites with other areas of life.

The day will also include a range of activities and live entertainment, including exercise demonstrations and group sessions that enable adults and their carers to stay well and feel good.

Councillor Lorna Fielker, Cabinet Member for Adult Care, Southampton City Council, said: “At some point in life social care will impact on all of us whether that be personally or to friends and family, the event will showcase the support available in the city to support independent living at home and improve day to day life.”

The event will run from 10am to 3pm, for further information visit: www.discoversouthampton.co.uk/events/care-in-the-square-23249







