Care Home Residents Use Tiktok Trend To Make Alan A Birthday Surprise
The people living at Dovecote Manor Care Home wanted to surprise Home Manager Alan on his birthday recently, so rather than creating a card or collage like they usually would, they looked through TikTok videos for some inspiration.
Exploring TikTok has become a pastime for some residents, as they love to see the dances and trends that people are joining in with on the app. It’s also become a useful resource in the home, as many of the games and activity ideas shared on the app are replicated in the home, all of which are well-enjoyed!
So, when residents heard that Alan’s birthday was approaching, they turned to TikTok for some gift inspiration. Whilst looking for things they could make for Alan, they came across a video that showed an easy way of creating friendship bracelets at home. They had all of the items they needed to make them too and thought a handmade bracelet would make Alan smile on his birthday.
After selecting the colours they wanted to use, the team set about passing the homemade bracelet-making kit around the home so each person could make a part of it. This was a wonderful way to keep everyone involved and gave each and every resident the opportunity to participate.
Residents really enjoyed making the bracelet and couldn’t believe how easy it was! It’s even inspired some people to make their own for loved ones and family members.
On the day of Alan’s birthday, residents and team members gathered in a communal area to give him the gift they had all made. Alan was delighted and couldn’t believe that everyone had taken the time to make a small part of his birthday gift. He was truly over the moon and attached the bracelet to his key chain so it is always with him.