
Care Home Residents and Nursery Children Hunt Down Easter Fun

NurseryResidents of a Chichester care home enjoyed Easter bonnets, an egg hunt and chocolate galore during a visit from local nursery children.

Colten Care’s Wellington Grange in Broyle Road hosted little ones from The Co-operative Childcare nursery.

Companionship Team Leader at the home Kay Vevers, said: “The residents and children took advantage of our beautiful gardens and went on an Easter egg hunt together, cheekily eating the eggs as they went!

“The children also paraded in the Easter bonnets they had made. But they were so good that our residents couldn’t choose an outright winner, so everyone was given an Easter egg to take home and have after their tea.”

The nursery children are becoming regular visitors to Wellington Grange, having celebrated World Book Day with residents last month (March 7).

Resident Bunny Storrar joined in the hunt for chocolate treats.

She said: “The children were quite delightful and looked very sweet in their bonnets.

“It’s lovely to have little people chatting and laughing and we have such fun together. Having them here made our day.”

It won’t be long before the children visit again – the home has invited them to a Teddy Bear’s Picnic in June.