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Care Dorset’s Mary Left ‘Beaming’ By Surprise ITV Weatherman Visit

Mary Tompkins beamed with happiness when ITV weather presenter Charlie Powell paid her a surprise visit at the Dorset care home where she lives.

Charlie was contacted by the team at Care Dorset’s The Hayes residential home in Sherborne, who explained that Mary, 92, had expressed a wish to meet him.

Activities Officer Vicky Feltham explained:
“We started a Wishing Tree last September when Care Dorset took over The Hayes and asked all the people we support to tell us their wishes.

“We want to show that coming is just a new chapter which can be enriching, fulfilling and fun.

“Wishes granted so far have included a boat ride for a former Royal Navy officer and even a flight in a helicopter.”

Vicky continued: “At first, we were a little daunted when Mary said she wanted to meet her favourite weather presenter Charlie. But we sent a message via the ITV Facebook page and were amazed when they came straight back to us saying he would be delighted to visit.”

Vicky’s fellow Activities Officer Bev Williams added:
“Mary adores Charlie and tells everyone to shush! when he comes on the TV each night.

“It hasn’t been easy keeping this all a secret from her, especially as she has a big family with lots of grandchildren and great grandchildren who visit her often. But we invited her family in for a tea party beforehand and then Charlie made his grand entrance.”

Striding into Mary’s tea party Charlie said: “I understand you wanted to meet me, Mary?”

A stunned Mary exclaimed: “Oh Charlie! You look exactly the same as you do on the telly!”

She continued: “They told me they didn’t think they would be able to get you to come. I’m so happy. You’re my favourite.”

A further surprise came when Charlie invited Mary to introduce his weather forecast, which went out live across the West Country from The Hayes.
Mary proved a natural in front of the camera.

Charlie left The Hayes after signing autographs for Mary and colleagues at The Hayes.

He said: “It’s been lovely to meet Mary and her family today and incredibly flattering to know how much she enjoys my weather reports. She has also been an excellent co-presenter.”







