
Cardiff Care Home Give Back To Homeless In The Community

Residents and staff at a HC-One owned care home in Cardiff are helping the homeless as part of a new Gift Giving Project launched by the care provider.

Quarry Hall Care Home in St Mellons set up the initiative as a result of sharing personal gift giving experiences and brainstorming during one of their regular staff meetings.

Residents, families, staff and members of the community were fully involved in the project, helping to choose and buy essential items such as toiletries, books, food and clothing.

Irene Anderson, HC-One Well-being Coordinator at the home, donated £60 to purchase chocolates, carrier bags and essential toiletries. Angie Evans, the hairdresser at Quarry Hall donated toiletries and scarves, whilst Wellbeing Coordinator, Cher Humphreys, donated clothes.

After receiving the donations, staff and their families walked the streets of Cardiff to hand deliver the gift bags to homeless people across the city.

Sadie Hunt, HC-One care home manager at Quarry Hall, commented: “Our care home is very community focused and we all believe in the ethos of giving back to people less fortunate than ourselves.

“Both our staff and residents are very proud to know that they are helping out, if only in a small way, and we will continue to use our resources in the near future to offer help to other disadvantaged people in society.”

The HC-One care home plan to donate to the homeless every month and have already set up their appeal for items to send out Christmas shoe boxes.













