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Ashcombe Residents Remember the Fallen on Armistice Day

Barchester’s Ashcombe House Care home in Worting Road commemorated the signing of the Armistice Day agreement on the day that the guns finally fell silent.  They joined the rest of the United Kingdom in holding a two-minute silence at the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day, of the eleventh month.

As well as marking Armistice Day by wearing poppies and observing the national two minute silence, residents knit & natter group have been busy knitting poppies to make their own display which is situated on the Worting road for all to see.

Louise Lambert, General Manager at Ashcombe House said: “We have many residents with personal ties to the military and many who have experienced conflict either at home or abroad so it was important to us to mark November 11th and honour the contribution of everyone involved in the World Wars and in subsequent conflicts. “The poppy display is absolutely amazing and im really proud of the hard work the residents put in.”