
After Consulting Members GMB Set Five Tests For Cameras In Care Settings As CQC Is Poised To Publish Guidance Soon On Monitoring

Cameras can never be a substitute for good care and in a chronically underfunded sector a huge majority of members consider that the money could be better spent elsewhere says GMB

GMB, the union for care homes and domiciliary care staff, responded to the CQC announcement that information will be published soon on the use of CCTV cameras in care settings. See notes to editors for copy of CQC press release,

Justin Bowden, GMB National Officer, said “More than 2,000 GMB members working for HC-One responded to a recent survey of their views on the possible introduction of visible cameras into care homes. Whilst 40 % were opposed to their introduction, a majority were relaxed about it and believed in the right circumstances it could provide some degree of protection to them and residents.

The main reasons for opposition and concern from GMB members working in care, including from those supporting their introduction, were:

–  About the dignity and privacy of the residents;
– That cameras could never be a substitute for good care and in a chronically underfunded sector, a huge majority of GMB members thought the money could be better spent elsewhere.

Care is a minimum wage or just above sector and society seems to value those working in it and caring for our most vulnerable and elderly less highly than those stacking shelves at any major supermarket. That just cannot be right. Cameras are not the answer to the crisis in the care sector, more money is.

GMB recognises there is a degree of inevitably about cameras in care home residents rooms, and private individuals’ homes but there should be 5 tests applied first:

1. What would be the purpose of each camera being introduced?
2. Has the prior consent and views of the residents been obtained?
3. How is the system regulated?
4. Who will have access to the footage and when? How will it be kept secure?
5. Could the money be better spent elsewhere?

GMB will apply these five tests in practical discussion with care home providers.”







