Aerial Shots Show Innovative Development
As Langtree Care Home approaches its Autumn 2024 completion, an exciting aerial photo has captured the development which is set to revolutionise care in the North West.
Langtree Care Home is a 52-bed EMI care home that will meet an increasing demand for high-need dementia care beds in the region.
The home has been commissioned by Millennium Care, a family-run award-winning care provider, with five homes in Greater Manchester and Lancashire.
A pandemic-proof build, the home has been designed with dementia in mind by Alessandro Caruso Architects, who specialise in healthcare builds which aim to improve quality of life.
Alessandro Caruso, Founder at Alessandro Caruso Architects, said: “Empathic design is at the heart of every decision taken to enhance the well-being and quality of life for the residents of this new care home. It’s been a great journey to share our specialist knowledge with the team at Millennium Care and learn from so much feedback relatable to existing residents’ experiences to design a holistic new experience for people suffering from dementia.
“The proposed new care home will provide an environment that can: alleviate stress and simplify residents’ movement; provide a choice of rooms and landscaped sensory gardens; maximise exposure to natural light to improve residents’ mood and circadian rhythms.”
Langtree Care Home will also finalise the Standish Care Village, an innovative care community that will provide the ultimate level of care continuity.
The site, based on Chorley Road in Standish, will cater for respite, residential, nursing, dementia and EMI care which will enable residents to stay in the same familiar setting as their needs change.
On the development, Stacey Astin, Regional Manager at Millennium Care, said:
“As Langtree nears completion, we’re so excited to provide an extra level of care to those in our local community. The need for EMI care is growing and Langtree will help meet that need which is only going to increase.”
“Having three differing homes at the Standish Care Village will provide residents and their families the peace of mind we all want when thinking about our loved ones.”
“Langtree, as well as Worthington Lake, is purpose-built to provide the best level of care. Both taking on board the latest research in dementia design while utilising our exceptional location by harnessing nature; a key part of Millennium’ nonpharmacological approach to care.”