Care England Logo colourCMYK AW

Advice For Providers On Legal Frameworks

Care_England_Logo_colour(CMYK)-AWCare England, the largest representative body for independent sector providers, has commissioned Anthony Collins Solicitors to provide its members with a guide through the legal and commercial framework that they are likely to encounter and identify the options available to them when responding to fee offers from LAs and CCGs from April 2016.

Professor Martin Green, Chief Executive of Care England says:

“Care homes are facing increasingly unrealistic and unsustainable fee rates being imposed by public sector commissioners. This may be encountered in the context of tenders, fee rates (or cuts) in existing contracts or simply as a result of increasing costs making the current rates unviable.  The extensive briefing prepared by Anthony Collins will enable our members to be better prepared in their negotiations with public sector commissioners and is another benefit for members of Care England”.

Working with Public Sector Commissioners – Advice for Providers on the Legal Frameworks covers the following main areas:

Negotiating position


Procurement Law Challenges

Legal position within existing contracting arrangements

Public Law Duties

The Individual and

The role of other agencies.

It also contains a number of decision trees to aid members in deciding what action to take.







