Upton Dene

A Rather Royal Hoorah!

Residents at Sanctuary Care homes across the country donned their finest frocks and handmade crowns for a regal themed Care Home Open Day 2018.

There were high tea parties galore to celebrate both Care Home Open Day and The Queen’s 92nd birthday on Saturday 21 April.

The team and residents from Upton Dene Residential and Nursing Home in Chester warmly invited people from the local community to enjoy a very special garden party.

Speaking of the festivities, home manager Dawn Smith said: “It was a truly special day, with much laughter and dancing – it was such a fitting way to celebrate both Care Home Open Day and our Queen’s birthday.”

Meanwhile in the South West, there was an abundance of glitz and glamour when the residents and team at Beach Lawns Residential and Nursing Home in Weston-super-Mare hosted a 1920s themed event.

Activities leader Richard Roberts said: “It was a really lovely day and it was so nice to see all of our residents together, singing along to the music. A good time was had by all.”

At The Rosary Nursing Home in Bridgwater, the team dressed as everyone from the Pearly Kings and Queens and Mary Poppins to members of the Spice Girls to celebrate all things British.

While in Worcester, there was a North American themed high tea party at Juniper House Residential Care Home, with the unveiling of special plaque to celebrate the home ‘twinning’ with a residential care home in California.

Saturday 21 April marked the sixth annual Care Home Open Day, when homes nationwide opened their doors and welcome people to share a special day with their teams and residents, forging lasting links with their local communities.

Care Home Open Day came as a double celebration for Sanctuary Care, which is marking its 20 year anniversary of delivering care to its residents.