
Saints Players Visit Football Loving HC-One Care Home Residents

Footie loving residents and staff at HC-One’s Strathtay House in Perth were delighted to receive a visit from three footballers from St Johnstone Football Club recently.

Saints players Murray Davidson, Liam Gordon and Scott Tanser popped into the care home for a chat and a cuppa, listening to resident’s opinions on the Scottish Premiership Club’s latest results and upcoming games.

Judith Meaden, HC-One Care Home Manager at Strathtay House, commented: “We’ve got some very loyal Saints fans here at Strathtay who are regular attendees at fixtures and so they really enjoyed meeting the players and sitting down for a chat.

“There was a lot of talk about game plans and residents were asking them about their experiences of playing for the local club. They were really chuffed to get some photos snapped with the players and we’d like to thank them for visiting. We’d love to welcome them in again some day soon.”

HC-One Area Director, Jackie McDonald, received a signed football in celebration of her recent promotion to Regional Director, as well as for being their ‘number one fan.’













