
NCF Publishes Series Of Papers On Sustainability In Social Care

This week (12 October) we published a refresher of our publication ‘Committed to Quality’. The paper covers the Care Act vision of transformed services, challenges faced by the care sector, commissioning, continuous improvement, innovation, valuing the workforce and partnerships. It also sets out what NCF wants to see for the future of the care sector.

This report is the latest of a series of papers NCF has produced focusing on the issue of sustainability in social care (and health care) services including:

  •  Financial sustainability in social care
  • The Dementia challenge for LGBT communities
  • Creating conditions for a sustainable future for social care
  • Committed to Quality in adult social care and support

Des Kelly OBE said: “The NCF supports the view that all providers, including not-for-profit organisations, must continue to play their part in raising quality, increasing efficiency and reducing demand and dependency through preventative measures. Nevertheless, authoritative sources point to the likelihood of a substantial funding gap in both health and care which will impact adversely on both people and providers unless it is urgently addressed. NCF will be working with other members of the Care Provider Alliance to engage ADASS and others to make clear our concerns.”

The publications are available to download for free below:













