
NHS Confederation Response To King’s Fund Report On NHS Performance

Responding to the King’s Fund report The NHS under the coalition government- Part Two: NHS performance, published today;”Thursday 26 March 2015

Rob Webster, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, which represents more than 500 organisations, said:

“This report is a testament to the staff and leaders in the NHS who have kept performing during the toughest of times. We welcome the King’s Fund report and agree with many of its findings. There is no doubt that the NHS is under huge pressure to meet ever growing demand. It is also clear that things need to change – and quickly.

“The report reiterates that additional NHS funding of a minimum of £8 billion a year is required by 2020 to meet patient demand and maintain standards of care with significant efficiencies needed. Yet with just 41 days to go until the election, we still do not have agreement across the political parties on this minimum additional funding or a deal for social care which itself faces significant pressures.

“The King’s Fund report also highlights that the NHS cannot continue relying on limiting staff salaries and reducing prices paid to hospitals to make savings. With at least £22 billion efficiency savings planned by 2020, the NHS Confederation remains committed to helping develop and deliver the plans for service change that will ensure these savings are made.

“In response to the growing need to drive up standards and improve patient flow, the NHS Confederation yesterday launched its Commission on improving urgent care for older people. The commission, headed by Dr Mark Newbold, will later this year produce workable, patient-centred recommendations supported by hospitals, local authorities, community providers and GPs.

“An open public debate must happen now on NHS finances and service change. We’ve been calling for it for a long time and politicians from all parties cannot duck it anymore – the public simply won’t allow them.”













