Gridlock Leading to Deterioration in People’s Access to and Experience of Care says Report
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has released its annual assessment of the state of health and social care in England looks at the quality of care over the past year.
This year based on CQC’s inspection activity, information received from the public and those who deliver care alongside other evidence the assessment is that the health and care system is gridlocked and unable to operate effectively.
The report reveals that while most people are still receiving good care when they can access it – too often, however, people are not able to access the care they need. Capacity in adult social care has reduced and unmet need has increased. Only 2 in 5 people are able to leave hospital when they are ready to do so, contributing to record-breaking waits in emergency departments following a decision to admit, and dangerous ambulance handover delays.
As part of work that included a series of coordinated inspections across the urgent and emergency care pathway in 10 Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), CQC convened a group of 250 health and care leaders – they described the system they work in as ‘in crisis’ and shared their fears that the risk of people coming to harm represents a worrying new status quo.
Health and care staff want to provide good, safe care but are struggling to do so in a gridlocked system. This is reflected in growing public dissatisfaction with health and care services – which is mirrored in staff dissatisfaction. More staff than ever before are leaving health and social care and providers are finding it increasingly challenging to recruit, resulting in alarmingly high vacancy rates which have a direct impact on people’s care.
Without action now, the report says, staff retention will continue to decline across health and care, increasing pressure across the system and leading to worse outcomes for people. Services will be further stretched, and people will be at greater risk of harm as staff try to deal with the consequences of a lack of access to community services, including adult social care. This will be especially visible in areas of higher economic deprivation where access to care outside hospitals is most under pressure. In addition to the increased risk of harm to people, more people will be forced out of the labour market either through ill health or because they are supporting family members who need care.
Many of the challenges services are now facing are linked to historical underinvestment and lack of sustained recognition and reward for the social care workforce. The crucial role of social care is increasingly being recognised by healthcare leaders – with some taking action to jointly invest in and commission social care services with partners in local government in recognition of the benefits for their whole local system. While there is no silver bullet, joining up these pockets of local innovation has the potential to help to ease the gridlock and improve outcomes for people.
Solutions to the problems that affect people’s care can only come from long-term planning and investment, with local areas taking a whole system view that recognises the relationship between health and social care and addresses the root causes behind the immediate and obvious problems. To understand what is driving performance, local leaders need to bring together data and information from providers and other local stakeholders and agree success measures that are focused on people’s overall experience of care, not limited to organisation or sector.
Workforce shortages across all sectors need to be addressed through innovative initiatives that look to the future. The focus should be on shaping more flexible workforce models that help local systems meet the needs of people – all people – who are in turn empowered to take a more active role in their own wellbeing. In adult social care, where workforce shortages are particularly acute, there needs to be increased funding and support for ICSs so they can own and deliver a properly funded workforce plan that recognises the adult social care workforce crisis as a national issue and ensures that pay and rewards attract and retain staff.
In this year’s report, CQC also highlights its concerns about specific service areas, in particular maternity services and those that care for people with a learning disability and autistic people – areas where inspections continue to find issues with culture, leadership, and a lack of genuine engagement with people who use services. In response to the national challenges faced by maternity services, CQC has begun a new maternity inspection programme, which aims to help services improve, both at local and national level. Next year, our ongoing programme of work focusing on services for people with a learning disability and autistic people will be extended to residential mental health settings.
Ian Trenholm, Chief Executive of CQC, said:
“The health and care system is gridlocked and unable to operate effectively. This means that people are stuck – stuck in hospital because there isn’t the social care support in place for them to leave, stuck in emergency departments waiting for a hospital bed to get the treatment they need, and stuck waiting for ambulances that don’t arrive because those same ambulances are stuck outside hospitals waiting to transfer patients.”
“However, the fact is that it’s hard for health and care staff to deliver good care in a gridlocked system.
There are no quick fixes, but there are steps to be taken now on planning, investment and workforce that will help to avoid continuing deterioration in people’s access to and experience of care. By working together to address the issues that lie behind the gridlock, we can create conditions that mean that next year, more people can access good, safe health and social care – delivered by a better supported workforce who have more reason to be optimistic about the future.”
Ombudsman Rob Behrens, said:
“We are seeing the perfect storm of a gridlocked system combining challenges in both access to care and in workforce provision. This is a breeding ground for mistakes in critical services. Failure in any part of the system can have catastrophic effects on patient care. We know that the healthcare sector and those who work in it arouse understanding, respect and support, but patients and their families should also know they have the right to complain and to be listened to when mistakes are made. This is particularly important for those most disadvantaged in society whose voices are unheard. The NHS must embrace a learning culture to avoid repeatedly making the same mistakes and to improve services for the future.”
Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says:
“This report paints a stark reality of the frontline. A gridlocked system, catalysed by a lack of funding and workforce pressures, prevents the system from operating efficiently and sustainably. If this gridlock is to be overcome, there must be an appropriate level of investment to stabilise the immediate and systematic workforce pressures currently experienced in the social care sector. There must also be a strategic focus on true integration, shifting the current focus from organisations and processes to people and outcomes. This report is the latest in a long line of publications which present the need for immediate Government action to help tackle the ongoing workforce pressures. The can must not be kicked down the road any further; we need something to change, and we need this change now.”