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Skills for Care is Encouraging Social Care Organisations to Join them in #CelebratingSocialCare this April

Skills for Care is #CelebratingSocialCare throughout April and is encouraging everyone working across social care to get involved. The campaign launches on Monday 4 April.

While the organisation recognises and supports the achievements of the social care sector year-round, this dedicated month is a time to encourage people to shout out the importance of social care and the dedication and skills of the people who work within it.

The campaign follows the Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection which was held on 17 March and the lifting of public COVID-19 restrictions, two years since the pandemic began.

The organisation will be posting blogs and articles across their website and other communications channels, sharing good news stories from the sector as well as stories of innovation and learning and development through the pandemic.

On social media, Skills for Care is asking individuals, providers, and other organisations across social care to get involved by sharing their #CelebratingSocialCare messages.

Suggestions include:
• posting thank you messages on social media to your colleagues, tagging them and using the hashtag #CelebratingSocialCare
• sharing your good news stories and stories of success throughout COVID-19 using the hashtag #CelebratingSocialCare
• recording a short video paying tribute to the hard work of your teams using the hashtag #CelebratingSocialCare

The impact of the pandemic is still being felt for people who work across and draw upon care, and as Skills for Care creates a time and space for people working in social care to reflect on their achievements, they’ll also be providing information on ongoing support to help social care teams as they adapt again to the changes in how COVID-19 will be managed.

More information on the campaign and how to get involved can be found at:













