
Care Providers Back Recruitment Drive

Govt looks to bolster social care ranks

A top provider organisation has thrown its weight behind a Government drive to recruit more people into the care of older and vulnerable people as the sector battles the ongoing impact of Covid-19.

Through its “Care for Others, Make a Difference” campaign, the Government is encouraging people to take up full-time or part-time roles in care.

Today the Independent Care Group (ICG) today said it supported the campaign and hoped it was a forerunner to action to permanently improve the pay and status of those working in care.

ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: “Covid-19 has placed an enormous burden on the shoulders of those working in social care and they urgently need added numbers in their ranks to help them cope with the pandemic.

“Even before Covid-19 struck there were 100,000 vacancies in care on any one day – heaven knows what that figure is now, given the toll the pandemic has taken through illness and isolation.

“In the short-term we urgently need more people in the sector but in the longer term we need to find a way to make social care a career of choice.

“Long-awaited reform of the sector must include better pay for those working in care, a proper career structure for them and equal terms and recognition with their NHS counterparts, alongside whom they have been valiantly fighting Covid-19.”













