
Charity Single ‘Angel By My Side’ Is Taking The Internet By Storm With 3.3 Million Views!

The emotional and haunting new Charity Single ‘Angel By My Side’ is taking the Internet by storm, raising money for the NHS Charities COVID-19 Appeal.

With re-Tweets on Twitter from celebrities such as Keith Lemmon, Gemma Collins, Dermot Murnaghan, Linda Lusardi and Nadia Sawalha and many more.

Like so many of us around the world watching the heart-breaking images of COVID -19 play out, two Suffolk songwriters, collectively called ‘Love For The People’, felt they could not ignore the tremendous sacrifice so many NHS Staff were making, with some even paying the ultimate price.

The duo set about writing the heartfelt tribute dedicated to NHS staff and frontline workers, ‘Angel By My Side’ using news footage in the public domain from the National TV news channels to get the song’s meaningful message across, acknowledging the great care and support NHS and frontline workers are giving to us, our friends, and our families in our greatest time of need.

Once the song was finished they sent it to a friend who offered to put a video together.

“After seeing the images with the song, it really put everything into context, and we quickly realised we had something truly special to honour the NHS staff”, said their spokesperson.

“A decision was made to feature the video on Facebook in the hope that our words would express the gratitude we all feel towards these amazing NHS heroes who are putting their lives at risk day in day out” the spokesperson added.

What they didn’t expect was what came next- 3.3 MILLION views, 89,000 Shares and 31,000 Comments in 3 weeks and its growing every day!

Their Facebook page has now received thousands of kind messages from all over the world including Russia, Australia, NZ, France, Spain, Italy, Canada and USA.

Following this enthusiastic reception ‘Love For The People’ are releasing the song on Friday 29th May with all proceeds going to NHS Charities COVID-19 Appeal. There is also a Just Giving page hoping to raise £100,000.

‘Love For The People’ are hoping for the post to continue going viral worldwide and maybe even get the song to the coveted Number One spot.

The writers are not looking to gain personal profile from this song and came up with the release name ‘Love For The People’ from the title of one of the pair’s earlier collaborations. Their only wish is for people to show support for our NHS heroes by visiting their Just Giving Page, and even downloading the song.

As the song says “We can never forget, when the rainbows are gone, all the things they’ve done”.













