
Crewe Home Care Service Rated ‘Outstanding’ For Second Time

An inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has given the highest rating to the Crewe branch of the home care service, Belong at Home, which has retained its ‘outstanding’ status overall, gaining the classification in three out of five areas: an increase of one from the previous inspection.

The CQC inspection rated the Belong at Home Crewe as ‘outstanding’ in the areas of caring, responsive and effective, and rated the areas of safe and well-led as ‘good’. The service was judged to provide specialist expertise to improve well-being and physical health for customers, who regained their mobility and independence. It was also judged to provide good support to staff, who reported effective communication within the team and the management.

Inspectors noted that staff were dedicated to providing a high standard of home care, citing feedback from customers who praised them for their skills and availability. Customers said they ‘trust staff implicitly’ and ‘consider themselves lucky that they can rely on such kind, knowledgeable and experienced people.’ The service’s staff were also recognised for their exceptional kindness, with customers feeling valued and respected by a consistent staff team as well as relaxed and happy to chat and share humour. They further praised staff for always going above and beyond to make sure customers felt safe and supported.

Andrew Shield, Belong at Home acting operations manager commented on the report: ‘We are thrilled that the CQC has rated Belong at Home Crewe as outstanding for a second time. Seeing the ‘outstanding’ rating increase from two key areas to three is a real tribute to the team’s dedication to our customers and their commitment to providing bespoke home care.”













