
Importance Of Independent Sector In The NHS Long Term Plan

Prof. Martin Green OBE

Care England, the largest representative body for independent providers of adult social care has expressed disappointment that social care has once again been overlooked.

Responding to NHS England’s consultation on the NHS Long Term Plan Legislative Changes Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive, Care England says:
“I struggled to find even one reference to independent sector providers within the NHS England consultation document.  To have a truly joined up health and social care system this doesn’t bode well.  Care England is keen to ensure that the fundamental importance of social care in delivering the NHS Long Term Plan is recognised and supported”.

NHS England has been consulting on the NHS Long Term Plan Legislative Changes  Care England urges NHS England to share the findings with the DHSC and Commissioners in order to reduce the disparity between health and social care. They are two sides of the same coin.

Martin Green continues:
“Our concerns extend to the impact of the proposed changes on the commissioning of healthcare such as continuing healthcare from social care registered providers such as care homes. NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) and Funded Nursing Care (FNC) is a significant NHS spend and we do not believe that the proposals have considered any possible impact on the commissioning relationships between CCGs and care homes”.













