
Help Older People Stay Safe With New Initiative

RSPAA new initiative which promotes vital safety information for older people and their families is launching today, on the United Nations Day of the Older Person (Monday, October 1).

RoSPA is supporting Stay Safe for Older People, a brand new site which collates and disseminates the most important safety information, and provides signposting for older people to a wealth of expert advice wherever it exists.

In 2016-17 there were 316,669 hospital admissions in England alone of people aged 65 and over due to a fall – the equivalent of more than 867 every day. According to Age UK, 4,984 people aged 65 or over died from a fall in 2016.

Sheila Merrill, RoSPA’s public health adviser, said: “Fatal and life-changing accidents disproportionately affect the over-65s, with falls being by far the biggest and most dangerous problem that they face. Not only that, but this also then places huge and preventable pressures on our health and social care services.

“For this reason, RoSPA is pleased to support Stay Safe for Older People, which brings lots of useful and potentially-life-saving advice together all in one place. We hope older people, and their families and those that care for them, will find it an invaluable resource.”

Stay Safe for Older People also provides lots of tips and advice on gas safety, choking, burns, and incorporates issues such as avoiding scams and providing first aid.

The website was created in partnership with RoSPA, Age UK and the Trading Standards Scams and Fraud team by Emma Hammett RGN, from First Aid for Life, and Carolyn Cripps OBE from Fit for Safety.

Emma Hammett said: “When older people are scammed or have an accident it knocks their confidence and they become vulnerable. They often stop going out, become isolated and frail and too frequently end up in hospital. Being aware of potential hazards and getting prompt, expert, information when you need it, can prevent these incidents in the first place and help people move forward, saving the older person and all involved in their care from the utter devastation that can occur when things go wrong.”

See for more details.













