
Borough Care Residents Celebrate Their Friendships

CelebratestAs the world marked International Friendship Day, some of Borough Care’s residents enjoyed spending time with friends they’ve made since moving to a Borough Care home. Borough Care is the largest not for profit provider of care for older people in Stockport and staff at the company’s eleven homes have seen some strong bonds develop between residents.

Ishbel Lees, Maureen Bramwell and Ann Kelly, residents at Borough Care’s Meadway Court in Bramhall, love spending time together. At meal times they all sit together and have a catch up. Their relationship is based on humour and they enjoy nothing more than laughing about things that happened recently or in the past. All three ladies love joining in with the wide range of social activities Borough Care offers its residents. From enjoying live entertainment and afternoon tea, to getting some exercise on the social walks or at the Kung Fu Squash sessions, Ishbel, Maureen and Ann enjoy the camaraderie.

Over at Borough Care’s Cawood House in Brinnington, Elsie Beard and Margaret Ashley can frequently be found sitting next to each other people watching and putting the world to rights. The two ladies have been friends for over three years, since they both moved to Cawood House. Although they’re from different backgrounds – Elsie having been a solicitor’s clerk in the city and Margaret originating from the countryside – they have forged a close bond at Cawood House. As well as chatting and enjoying each other’s company, Elise and Margaret also like going on the day trips Borough Care organises.

Dr Mark Ward, CEO at Borough Care, says: “The friendships that develop in our homes are hugely beneficial to the individuals concerned. Developing friendships in a residential home can help people settle in, feel part of a wider family and improve their wellbeing. At all our homes we have a regular programme of activities and social events people can participate in so they never need to be lonely.”













