
Beaumont Hall Residents Revamp Their Gardens In Time For Annual Summer Fair

BeaumontResidents at luxury care home Beaumont Hall were eager to show off the renovated gardens at their annual summer fair last weekend.  The home has recently made improvements to the grounds giving residents a brand new outside space in which to enjoy a splendid British summer.

Home Manager, Kerri Simpson, holds regular meetings with residents who live at the 60 bed home in Beaumont Leys to gain their feedback and ideas.  Kerri said, “The committee meetings are a big part of life at Beaumont Hall to give everyone who lives with us the opportunity to voice their thoughts and opinions.  Finding out what is important to our residents is key and the gardens were top of their list!  Everyone had lots of ideas and we got started as soon as possible to make sure that everything was ready for the big summer fair.”

Green fingered residents including Ada Smith, Walter Ballard and Gillian Ovens had been thinking about design concepts for the gardens and were keen to share these in the meeting.  Plans were put into place and residents and staff rallied together to get the gardens ready in time for the fair.  Everyone helped to plant colourful blossoms, evergreens and shrubs and decide where to put the new garden furniture to make the most of the summer sun.   Gillian, who will be on hand to tend to the improved plot said, “I really do like the raised flower beds as it gives me the opportunity to become a gardener again.”

The grand unveiling was at the summer fair at the weekend where friends, family and the local community were welcomed to enjoy Pimms and cake, a tombola and popular games such as name the teddy and guess the lollipops in the jar.  All the generations united for the event with children having fun on the bouncy castle and the adults kicking back on the comfortable furniture.

Kerri said, “We were so pleased that the gardens were finished for the fair and it was great to see them full of fun!  Everyone had a great time and I know that the gardens will get lots of use.  We all know the importance of fresh air and getting outside and we now have a pleasant and relaxing area for everyone to enjoy.













