
Care Home Residents Raise Over £800 For Dorset’s Blind People

Money raised by the residents of a Bournemouth care home will help blind and visually impaired people across Dorset.

Colten Care’s Avon Cliff nominated Dorset Blind Association (DBA) as its charity of the year for 2017 and raised over £800 through a series of events including a Hawaiian-themed summer party, a quiz night and a Christmas fayre.

Avon Cliff manager Helen Holden said: “We were all thrilled to find out just how much money had been raised throughout the year for this very worthy charity. Everyone had a great deal of fun raising it too.”

The DBA’s community fundraiser Amanda Cordrey was presented with a cheque for £838.80 by the home’s Clinical Lead, Jess Archer.

Amanda said: “I would like to say a huge thank you for this very impressive donation.

“The Dorset Blind Association celebrates its 100th year of supporting blind and partially sighted people in 2018, but it remains a very small organisation which relies solely on the generosity and kindness of people like you.

“This money will help us continue our work offering practical and emotional support to over 1000 blind or partially sighted people each month.”













