
Taste, Sights And Sounds Of Thailand Come To Lymington

tasteA TASTE of Thailand came to Hampshire when a Lymington care home adopted a Thai theme for its annual barbecue.

Residents at Colten Care’s Court Lodge tucked into a tasty selection of traditional dishes while the Southampton Thai Dancers provided colourful entertainment.

Jackie Seeborun, Home Manager, said this year’s theme was chosen in tribute to Suwanna Saelin, a healthcare assistant at Court Lodge, who comes from Thailand.

“We are a multi-cultural home and everyone – carers, housekeepers, nurses, activity organisers and, of course, our chef Matt Jerrard and Catering Manager Paddy O’Driscoll – have worked together as a team to put on this event. My special thanks to Julia Puia, Activity Organiser, who made a great contribution,” said Jackie.

She added: “Many of our residents may have enjoyed holidays in the Far East and Asia, including Thailand. They really appreciate being able to relive the taste, sights and sounds again of that fascinating part of the world.

“It’s been a lovely day, much enjoyed by everyone. The food and dancing have been fantastic and staff, residents and families have had a great time.”













