Sunrise of Sevenoaks Phil Tucker and Stephanie Seale crop

Chefs To Give The UK A Taste Of Sunrise And Gracewell

Sunrise of Sevenoaks - Phil Tucker and Stephanie SealeChefs from all Sunrise Senior Living communities and Gracewell Healthcare homes are prepping their kitchens and inviting guests to enjoy fantastic food, ahead of the care providers’ exciting campaign to celebrate fine food and highlight the importance of nutritious food for older people.  The Taste of Sunrise and Gracewell campaigns, taking place during the week of 5th March – 13th March – ahead of Nutrition and Hydration Week – will see every one of their care homes opening its doors to hold culinary events for friends, family and neighbours.

Every home will have something different going on, with chefs choosing the culinary creations guests will be treated to.  As well as enjoying the home-cooked meals served by Sunrise and Gracewell’s chefs, guests will also be able to pick up a recipe book published especially for the campaign so they can recreate a taste of Sunrise and Gracewell at home.

The special events will allow people to meet the talented chefs and learn that dining at Sunrise and Gracewell homes is about so much more than just keeping people fed – it’s about cooking tasty and appealing food that’s nutritious and meets individual dietary needs, too.

Eating healthily is hugely important, especially for older people, and Sunrise and Gracewell chefs regularly prepare attractive, appetising dishes for residents with a range of dietary requirements including dysphagia, a condition which limits eating.

Guests will also be able to sample and find out more about the new crockery that has been specifically rolled out in all the homes to boost the ease of food and drink consumption for residents living with dementia and arthritis.

Amanda Scott, Managing Director of Sunrise UK, said:

“The Taste of Sunrise and Gracewell campaigns give us the opportunity to recognise the important work of our chefs in ensuring our residents enjoy the highest quality of care.

“We care for people with a range of conditions, and it’s of the utmost importance that every single resident receives exceptional food which meets their individual needs. Taste of Sunrise and Gracewell will be an excellent way of showing everyone how we do this at our homes every day.

“This is a long way from the traditional image of food in the care sector, and we’re looking forward to welcoming everyone to their local Sunrise or Gracewell home to sample the delicious home-cooked food on offer.”













