
Providers Hold The Key To Strengthening Rights And Choices For People To Live In The Community

Care England, the largest representative body for independent care providers, has responded to the Department of Health’s Consultation ‘No Voice Unheard, No Right Ignored – Strengthening Rights and Choices for People to Live in the Community’.

Professor Green, Chief Executive of Care England, said:
“Providers, working as partners with people with learning disabilities and their families and local commissioners, can ensure that the right community support is available to support people live the lives they want to lead”.

Care England is uniquely placed to comment with an authoritative and representative view.  Members have reported that there is a lack of creativity and thinking outside the box by commissioners, a risk-averse attitude of clinicians, and separate funding streams with money not following the individual on discharge from hospital all of which makes ensuring a quality process of transition into the community more difficult”.

Martin continued:
“Independent care providers have innovative service solutions that could help reduce the numbers of inpatients with learning disabilities living in inappropriate care settings.  We implore the new administration to take heed of the independent sector otherwise the likely cost and impact on the NHS and Local Authorities will, in the longer-term, be considerably greater if they fail to show the leadership required and develop joint plans in partnership with families, providers and other key stakeholders”.













