
Realising The Value Of Person-Centred Care

National Voices has announced that the joint programme Realising the Value has now gone live, with the launch of the programme website

Realising the Value aims to gather evidence on what good person-centred care looks like and its potentially wide-reaching benefits, such as better mental and physical health, cost savings and wider social value, for example strong community ties. 

National Voices is one of the partners in this programme, funded by NHS England and delivered by Nesta and the Health Foundation alongside Regional Voices, BAVCA and Volunteering Matters (which make up Voluntary Voices,) the Institute of Health and Society at Newcastle University and the Behavioural Insights Team.

The programme, aims to find, test and share the best ways that people can work with health professionals and their wider community to be more in control of their health. We will create a set of tools to enable these approaches to be taken up more widely nationally.

Realising the Value is currently in the first phase of the programme and will be assessing the potential for impact of person-centred care approaches by reviewing existing formal and informal evidence. Based on the evidence, we will focus on a limited number of interventions and work directly with a small number of local sites and wider stakeholders. This will enable us to develop and test tools and resources to encourage uptake of good person-centred care from the autumn 2015.













